In Padel , now defined as a construction sport, it is necessary to know how to wait for the right moment to be able to close the point. But how to do it and above all how to build it? Use power or play strategically, placing shots intelligently?
In order to put our opponents in difficulty, it is possible to place the ball intelligently, and above all to do it with accuracy and precision. But we must know when to use power and when it is useful to place the shot . In fact, the more amateur the level, the better it will be to use technique and less power ; vice versa, as the level rises, power becomes a winning weapon to close the point.
In the event that you receive a ball that is defined as comfortable, you must think, very quickly, of a winning strategy , to direct the shot and put your opponents in difficulty, trying to avoid exposing yourself to possible counterattacks. Directing it in the central part of the field narrows your margin of error, therefore keeping the ball away from the side windows, and forces your opponents to communicate with each other about who will have to counterattack, making them centralize and leave the corners uncovered.
The higher the level of the game, the more you can think about playing a ball that goes towards the corners, therefore riskier, but certainly more effective, especially if played on the backhand of our opponent, putting him in the condition of not knowing whether to play direct or lean on the glass. By practicing some shots, such as the back spin , therefore with the racket at shoulder height, you play a tight shot, difficult to counter, even more so if there is a bounce on the glass, since the ball will tend to fall instead of rising.
As mentioned in other blogs, haste in Padel is a bad advisor, so you have to wait for the right moment to hit the winning shot, building the point play after play. One of the most frequent mistakes is to use power incorrectly, therefore wanting to hit a ball that will come back into the field, offering our opponents an uncovered ball near the net, unpredictable in direction and strength, leaving us disoriented and unprepared.
It is important to know that every shot has its importance and that nothing should be taken for granted, not even when the ball seems dead. We must never be out of position, with "light" legs ready to restart in case of a rebound, always reactive for the next shot. Maintaining concentration and attention makes players of all levels make an important leap in quality, making their plays more qualitative.
Another piece of advice we feel like giving is not to overuse the short ball, since the Padel court is different from the Tennis court, much smaller and with reduced dimensions, making the play easy to read and counterattack, since the distance to be covered is much shorter than on the Tennis court.