How can you avoid excessive vibration and joint stress due to the impact of the ball on the racket?
The Hesacore is a paddle accessory that can alleviate this discomfort: it is made of silicone and must be installed directly on the frame of your racket; you must therefore remove the overgrip (if used) and the grip, then proceed with the assembly, using the special plastic wings provided and subsequently cover it with an overgrip, in order to make the grip uniform.
Its shape recreates hexagons, like honeycombs, which increase the grip on the racket handle.
But let's go and see the pros and cons of Hesacore.
- ensures a better grip on the shovel handle
- transmits security to the player
- significantly reduces vibrations and therefore joint stress
- reduces hand-wrist-forearm tension
- increased weight on the blade (about 16 grams)
- risk of slight lowering of the balance
- has a thickness of approximately 3.1 mm
Finally, we can underline how it is advisable to start playing without this type of instrument, thus learning the best grips to use, and subsequently using it to avoid or reduce substantial joint pain.